HomeKnowledge Hub2023 Best Application of Innovation: Beacon Lighting

2023 Best Application of Innovation: Beacon Lighting

The LFRA was thrilled to present Beacon Lighting with the Best Application of Innovation award for their Sanso Air Purifier as part of the 2023 LFRA Gala Awards.

This innovative product has already garnered acclaim, winning the 2023 Gold Good Design Award and Best in Class for Domestic Appliances. It stands out as the world’s first ceiling-mounted air purifier with integrated lighting.

Developed in response to Australia’s bushfires and poor air quality in 2020, alongside growing concerns about airborne viruses, the Sanso is a breakthrough in home air purification.

Its dual functionality combines air purification with adaptable lighting, effectively reducing asthma and allergy risks while supporting a healthy circadian rhythm, all from a single ceiling-mounted unit.

The Sanso features a custom HEPA13 filter with an integrated ioniser to improve indoor air quality significantly.

Its LiveWell GX53 lamp, developed with Monash University, is designed to enhance concentration, improve sleep, and offer better eye comfort through reduced flicker technology.

The purifier also offers intuitive remote controls for adjusting lighting, setting timers, and enabling special modes like a sleep setting.

Setting Sanso apart is its ability to continuously monitor and adjust to pollution levels, ensuring a clean, safe living environment while optimising energy use.

Its launch in early 2023 has seen strong interest in Australia, Europe, and the US, and it will be showcased at the Hong Kong International Lighting Fair in October 2024.

Beacon Lighting’s strategic introduction of the Sanso into the air purification market demonstrates the company’s commitment to innovative, customer-oriented solutions.

This award highlights Beacon’s role in delivering impactful Australian innovations, especially during challenging times, and their dedication to helping customers ‘Live Brighter’.

Congratulations to Beacon Lighting for their remarkable achievement with the Sanso Air Purifier, a testament to their innovative approach and response to global environmental challenges.


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